Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Live Life To The Foolest!

       When I was young, I often heard of this phrase,live life to the fullest! As I wasn't good in English I thought fullest was spelled with double O, foolest!!! When I found out later how it was spelled I really laughed out loud. However, much, much later I realised that most of us do live our life to the 'foolest'.
       I often wonder, exactly, what is meant by  living our  life to the fullest.Does a man live his life to the fullest if by 45 he has become a CEO,has had series of women as lovers, has never worried of checking his account balance to shop and has no worries over a nagging wife to return to?Does a beautiful woman live her life to the fullest if she is surrounded by admirers,has millions of money to spend,and can laze around 15 hours of her waking hours?   If so,why are there so many men and women committed suicide. among the many there are several of prominent figures,film stars,CEOs and those who are referred to as the rich and famous?
       As beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, can happiness also be its own judge and lies in the heart of the beholder?
       As we walk through the journey of  life, we never give much thought if we had lived our life to the fullest.What concerns us most is whether we have enough money to live on.
Lightning struck!!!!
And I found myself pondering over the meaning of living my life to the fullest....
For the past forty three years I have lived my life to the fullest.'''
Thingking back, I never regret doing anything,never regret saying anything,
Most importantly, I have been a very good muslimah.
Yes...that is what it is all about....those who have been good muslims have lived their life to the fullest!!!!!! 
And those muslims who go againts the teachings of the Holy Quran have been living their life to the foolest!!!!
Hmm...let us give this a thought!