Dia muridku
ku ajar tulis dan baca
dengan kalam dan tinta
mengenali yang tersirat dan tertera
yang ilusi dan yang nyata
Dia muridku
lisannya mesra
sopannya mendamai jiwa
senyumnya pengubat duka
sentuhannya merantai kasih nan mesra
Dia muridku
tidakku harap balasan jasa
tidakku damba puji dan puja
tidakku tunggu sanjungan mulia
tidakku tagih ingatanmu jua
Dia muridku
dalam munajatku,kau menjelma
dalam hatiku, kau bertakhta
pada siangku,kaulah sinar
pada malamku,kaulah kejora
Roie Azali
Monday, 15 August 2011
Posted by rosie azali at 07:28 0 comments
Friday, 22 July 2011
Satu jelingan satu senyuman
satu sapaan satu pertanyaan
Kawasaki Ninja ZX mengaum menghilang
bersama sigadis membonceng dibelakang
ditelan pekat malam yang kelam
dimana harga sebuah mahkota
dimana nilai sebutir mutiara
kemana hilangnya malu sidara
kemana lenyapnya wira teruna
lena nyenyakkah ayah dan bonda
anak hilang tidak bertanya
disatu sudut mereka bercengkerama
hanya dikau yang kucinta
tiada dua tiada tiga
kau satu satunya buah hati kanda
kanda saja dihati dinda
kita akan kahwin jangan curiga
wahai anak Melayu tercinta
cinta buta tiada mata
cinta nafsu musnah segala
cinta saja Allah yang Esa
cinta sejati pasti menjelma
cinta setia membawa kesyurga
bukalah minda bukalah mata
lihat sekelilng tengok dunia
terhampar segala untuk kau teroka
penuhi ilmu dan iman didada
kelak hidupmu pasti bahagia
cinta buta menagih airmata
cinta tak setia kelak kau merana
tanpa harga diri tergadai mahkota wanita
teruna ketawa penuh makna
tiada duka tiada nestapa
kau memberi aku merasa
katanya selamba
wahai anak permata bonda
jagalah diri jagalah nama
pelihara maruahmu janganlah alpa
wanita mulia disisi yang Esa
tinggi martabat doanya keramat
hidup mulia mendapat rahmat
Rosie Azali
Posted by rosie azali at 10:23 0 comments
Halfway to heaven
Hand in hand
you and I
bridged the journey
of a thousand miles
to the land of paradise
You and I
together we rode the sky
traveled in between cloud nine
in search of a door to heaven
Sudden strike of lightning
sent us tumbling and flying
away from each other
away from the seek door
All alone
I am groping in darkness
stranded in the valley of sorrow
with no promise of tomorrow
Time flying by
And here I am
standing nearby
looking up to the sky high
hoping for you to pass by
longing for the breeze of paradise
I could almost touch
the door to heaven
the moment of happiness
the time of togetherness
almost paradise
the flash of promises
shown in your eyes
are all lies
Rosie Azali
Posted by rosie azali at 07:00 0 comments
Saturday, 18 June 2011
Antara Jentayu dan Garuda
tersimpan Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa
terlakar sejarah cinta Putera Maharaja Rom dan Puteri Maharaja China
menyentuh kekuatan Raja Sulaiman dalam agama
menjengah amanah Jentayu dan haloba Garuda
Abadi cinta dalam satu lagenda
cinta hamba kepada Allah
cinta sahabat kepada sahabat
cinta sang teruna kepada sidara
cinta Allah kepada makhlukNya
Satu hikayat
terbongkar berbagai hakikat
meluah seribu yang tersirat
yang benar sukar dipahat
yang jahat mendapat akibat
dalam bicara sastera
hanya dua yang utama
cinta dan kuasa
namun mereka alpa
hikayat menempa satu petanda
Allah maha kuasa dalam segala
Rosie Azali
Posted by rosie azali at 01:22 0 comments
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Dancing Raindrops
dancing on tin roof
making ting ting sounds
penetrating my ears
opening my eyes
from a noon nap
I see mother
a basin in one hand
another stretching out
feeling raindrops
coming down
on bamboo floor
of our little home
Looking up
finding holes on the tin roof
putting down the basin on the bamboo floor
for the coming down raindrops
from a leaking tin roof,
Mother sigh a relief
Looking back
Father was never home
out in the open field
in rain and shine
making holes in earth
growing corns and grains
for a new tin roof
Rosie Azali
Posted by rosie azali at 08:52 0 comments
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Rimba Kenangan
Jalan penuh debu
berliku,berlopak dan
kala hujan basahi bumi
becak dan berselut
menyusuri Rimba Kenangan
Jalan lebar dua kaki
ku lewati berkali
bersama ibu waktu subuh sunyi
bersama lampu suluh minyak tanah
menerangi perjalanan kami
ke destinasi sendiri
Ibu belok kekanan
aku ke kiri
Ibu ke kebun mencari rezeki
aku ke sekolah mencari diri
Kini Rimba Kenangan ku lawati
bersama anak-anak dan suami
jalan lebar dua kaki tiada lagi
kebun getah juga berganti
rumah batu dikanan dan kiri
Rimba Kenangan kekal abadi
disudut memori didalam hati
disini ku kenali diri
menjadi insan sejati
menyambung lidah nabi
menyemai budi menabur bakti
Rosie Azali
Posted by rosie azali at 06:45 0 comments
Sunday, 15 May 2011
Moments of thoughts
Thinking of the unforgettable
memories of heartaches
Moments of pains
eased by the never ending love
blessed upon me
Moments of realization
there are hopes in this life
for me
and you
as we are the chosen ones
to love and be loved........
Rosie Azali
Posted by rosie azali at 09:30 0 comments
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Bisikan Cinta
Dalam dadaku
Ada cinta yang syahdu
menyelak helaian rindu
pada detik yang berlalu
Dalam ingatanku
ada cerita cinta kita
cinta sampai syurga
tanpa noda dan dosa
Pada langkah yang diatur
ku mencari jejakmu
hingga penghujung malam
mengharap lambaian kasihmu
menyinari kamar hatiku
dibawah sinaran mentari
warkah cintamu ku baca berkali
janji-janjimu yang termetri
tentang bahagia yang menanti
Wahai Kekasih
dengarlah bisikan cintaku
cinta abadi nan suci
seharum kasturi
Wahai Kekasih
kasihmu tidak bertepi
mengiringi dan meyinari
perjalanan yang panjang ini
Tiada noktah cintaku padamu
tiada cemburu tiada jemu
kerana ku tahu
hanya kau yang satu
menyelami hatiku
Rosie Azali
Posted by rosie azali at 18:58 0 comments
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
On My Birthday
On the day of my birth date
I see wrinkles on my face
showing the years I have lived
On the day of my birth date
my children are my candles
that light my days and nights
that shine through my cloudy sky
On the day of my birth date
I received warm wishes
showing loves given to me
from the friendships offered
On the day of my birth date
I don't need presents
I don't need parties
I only need you...
my love
On the day of my birth date
I cried a tear
thanking the Almighty
for the years I have lived
for the friendships offered
for the candles of my life
for the man I love
for the years to come........
Posted by rosie azali at 04:25 0 comments
Friday, 8 April 2011
Detik Waktu
Saatku kenali dia
detik waktu berlalu
tidak terasa
hanya syahdu dijiwa
kutanya angin,
mengapa rindu bertamu
bulan menyapa
hatimu sudah jatuh cinta
pegang dadamu
resah menerjah kalbu
berdetap dan berdegup
apakah rindu dan detik waktu yang berlalu
menjadikan aku perindu sayu
pada seorang jejaka
yang hatinya entah milik siapa
Detik waktu yang berlalu
mendewasakan aku
jua menginsafkanku
tentang cinta dan rindumu
namun ku tahu
pastinya cinta dan rinduku
hanya milikNya yang satu......
Rosie Azali
Posted by rosie azali at 09:53 0 comments
Thursday, 7 April 2011
A miracle happened today
I saw,I felt,I smelled
I wonder
does everybody see what I see
feel what I feel
smell what I smell
I have seen the same sky
I have felt the same breeze
I have smelled the flowers blossom
I see the hand that creates the sky
I feel the existence of the creator of the breeze
I smell the aroma of paradise
In my heart
In my life
In my soul
Posted by rosie azali at 22:17 0 comments
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Kasih Kekasih
Cintaku tak berdusta
tiada duka nestapa
tiada sandiwara
hanya bahagia.......
kasihku sinar tanpa cahaya
kasihku mekar tak berbunga
kasihku harum tiada aroma
kasihku abadi kekal bernyawa
ku seru nama-namaMu
dalam tidur dan jagaku
dalam siang dan malamku
dalam tawa dan dukaku
KasihMu Kekasih
Aku didakap rindu
Aku dibuai syahdu
Aku dialun merdu KalimahMu
Aku digamit Ma'wa,'Adn, juga FirdausMu
KasihMu Kekasih
Bawa aku menjauh pergi
Jauh dari duniawi
Jauh dari lautan api
Jauh dari derita ini........
Rosie Azali
Posted by rosie azali at 09:01 0 comments
Live Life To The Foolest!
When I was young, I often heard of this phrase,live life to the fullest! As I wasn't good in English I thought fullest was spelled with double O, foolest!!! When I found out later how it was spelled I really laughed out loud. However, much, much later I realised that most of us do live our life to the 'foolest'.
I often wonder, exactly, what is meant by living our life to the fullest.Does a man live his life to the fullest if by 45 he has become a CEO,has had series of women as lovers, has never worried of checking his account balance to shop and has no worries over a nagging wife to return to?Does a beautiful woman live her life to the fullest if she is surrounded by admirers,has millions of money to spend,and can laze around 15 hours of her waking hours? If so,why are there so many men and women committed suicide. among the many there are several of prominent figures,film stars,CEOs and those who are referred to as the rich and famous?
As beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, can happiness also be its own judge and lies in the heart of the beholder?
As we walk through the journey of life, we never give much thought if we had lived our life to the fullest.What concerns us most is whether we have enough money to live on.
Lightning struck!!!!
And I found myself pondering over the meaning of living my life to the fullest....
For the past forty three years I have lived my life to the fullest.'''
Thingking back, I never regret doing anything,never regret saying anything,
Most importantly, I have been a very good muslimah.
Yes...that is what it is all about....those who have been good muslims have lived their life to the fullest!!!!!!
And those muslims who go againts the teachings of the Holy Quran have been living their life to the foolest!!!!
Hmm...let us give this a thought!
Posted by rosie azali at 02:45 0 comments
Friday, 25 March 2011
Kanvas Putih (Specially dedicated to my seven stars)
Dia memberiku
sekeping kanvas putih
aku termangu disitu
perlu apa aku pada kanvas ini
aku bukan pelukis
bukan Claude Monet,Salvador Dali
Vincent Van Gogh
juga bukan Leornardo Da Vinci
Ibu menyapa
Ibu juga serupa
dititip kanvas putih tanpa warna
ditika ibu buta
pada pena dan tinta
hanya kenal alif ba ta
dibawah lampu pelita
dari mulut nendamu yang dimamah usia
Kanvas putih pertama
dilayang tika ibu terlalu muda
masih leka bermain tempurung kelapa
nendamu mengajar tata warna
merah,kuning,jingga segala....
kanvas putih menjadi indah
ibu mengilik dengan megah
menatang kehulu hilir serata daerah
sekampung menjadi gah
bakat ibu muda kini terserlah
dalam ibu meniti usia
satu persatu kanvas dikirim yang Esa
ibu bukan berdarah seni
mampu melukis dengan indah sekali
hanya mata dan minda tajam memerhati
kaki,tangan,badan,paha kanan dan kiri
mengecat,mencatan,melorek,mengukur sekali
koordinasi mental bersama alunan tangan dan jemari
merealisasikan ilham anugerah Ilahi
kanvas putih berwarna indah
menjadi pendamai hati yang gundah
membisik seribu bahasa tanpa lidah
melirik manja pada jiwa yang pasrah
menyentuh kalbu menyiram tabah
yang melihat mengucap Subhanallah
Aku tersedar dari lamunan
kanvas putih dalam dakapan
masih putih seperti semalam
pesan ibu akan ku amalkan
agar kanvasku tidak terlakar
dek tangan asing bukan seniman
tanpa motif tanpa pedoman
merenjis rona merosakkan lakaran
Andai itu terjadi
kanvas bersih pastinya bertukar
bukan lagi struktur abstrak kontemporari
akhir nanti tersadai tiada diminati
diumpat dan dikeji
mungkin juga suatu hari
menjadi sepakan kaki
penghuni bumi ini
Rosie Azali
Posted by rosie azali at 08:37 0 comments
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Alhamdulillah...penantian sudah berakhir......
Seminggu dua b4 result SPM kluar, rasa macam nak demam. Asyik fikir kalau peratus jatuh, mati aku.......
kalau turun,siaple ko.....berat tul..
Anak sndri pun ambik peksa,xrasa gelabah mcm ni......
Bila fikir2 balik,fun in learning kureng....ckg ligan ank plajar nak maintain peratus...
Masa kite ngaji dulu,kite xtau pun Penilaian Darjah 5 tu apa...
Sijil rendah Pelajaran tu pnting...
Masa SPM kite dah cerdik,tau la pnting sbb nak sgt blajar kat oversea...Berkat doa Ibu,dah tercapai hajat..
Balik pd isu semasa,result peksa punya pasai,ckg sampai tekucir...masuk kluar toilet sbb nervous breakdown. Heran sungguh dgn perangai dan tabiat manusia ni...
To me, teachers deal with human beings. We sweat to produce balance human beings.Ingat senang ke?
Every single day,every single moment we face human behaviour which is affected by many factors. Faktor parenting (keluarga),pengaruh rakan sebaya,pengaruh masyarakat,mediamassa dsbnya..Mana blh sama batch plajar tiap thn.....mestilah ada yg kureng dan ada yg menyengat.....org kata dlm setandan pisang, mesti ada yg rosak sebiji dua...
So....logik tak kalau peratus mesti naiiiiikkkkk je,xleh turun?
Senang je...
Ikhlaskan hati...mula dgn mak pak,turun pd guru2,pi kat ank murid, patah balik kat skul....
mak ayh ikhlas dgn ank2 n guru2...
guru2 ikhlas dgn kerjaya n ank murid......
skul pun kena ikhlas gak....ikhlas trima ups and downs of the teaching and learning process.....
Nabi (xingat nama,sori ek) pun berdakwah brtaus thn,dpt 7 org pengikut je...
In teaching and learning process,kalau plajar xdpt result gmpaq....hbs form 5 depa dpt bangun subuh sndri , xtinggal smbhyg pun kira cun la tu......
Kira parents,skul,tcers and the students dah berjaya la tu.....
Walaubagaimanapun, crita di atas adalah rekaan semata2.
Watak2 d atas xde kene mengene dgn yg hdp ataupun yg mati.......
Posted by rosie azali at 11:11 0 comments
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
When I was young, I had a dream to be someone who was sophisticated,rich and famous.I dreamt to be as beautiful as Farrah Fawcett (the most beautiful actress in Charlie's Angels in 1970s).I was head over heel over Parker Stevenson (one of The Hardy Boys).I also fantasized to be a private investigator like Nancy Drew (one of The Enid Blyton series). I even dreamed to be swept off my feet by a prince charming who would cross the sea of fire,would swim the Pacific ocean, would climb the Mount Everest just to shout " I love U' for me....
As I sailed through the journey of life,went through the ups and downs along the way, I realized that life has a lot to offer.....................
I lost my father at eight. The tragedy brought me to a town life.A blessing in disguise after all! I really had to struggle to catch up with my new friends in Bagan.The girls were wearing mini skirts and Levis Denim Jeans,the style of the 80s.When I visited my aunt during the school holidays,my kampung friends (the boys) treated me like a princess,all stared at me, gaping, as if I had just stepped down from the heaven or something.However,I lost my girl friends. They were envious of me,of my new image. Some girls who I thought were my best friends before, made fun of me singing baju arrow,seluar levis,baju borrow seluar kebas...They totally ignored me after I moved to town..Truly.......
I was so annoyed and I returned to Bagan,my new home, promising myself that I would never return to kampung again. I was confused, I guessed, at that age,not knowing why the girls hated me so........
In my new school,I was the ugly duckling.Merely because I was from kampung.I registered in standard 5 at SKBTK. I was alone for quite a few weeks until a girl named Ramlah befriended me. She is an Indian Muslim or anak mami. My house was quite far so I always came earlier and waited for her before going to school together. Her mom used to tapau me Apom Lenggang.I always got a share for my breakfast...
At that time we sat for Penilaian darjah 5.I never knew that the exam was important but as usuall,luck was on my side.Mybe because I was an orphan and I was blessed by Allah for my mom prayers...I got 4A and 1C..jeng...jeng...
Can you guess what happened in standard 6?
Posted by rosie azali at 23:05 0 comments
Sunday, 20 March 2011
At last...I got my own blog...hmm..A place I can write freely,say freely what I want to say without having anybody answering me back..ha..ha..ha...syonoknye....
nak kata apa ya...
FIRSTLY, syukur Alhamdulillah, Allah grants my wishes.
2ndly, Thanx to my adorable girls,kakak n mirah for helping me creating this blog..Without them, I couldnt la...
Tx also to my boy,Aiman for choosing a very nice design for my background...Just what I needed!!
Really....The light coming thru the trees is me..illuminating in the dark,shining thru the darkness..
a symbolic of our lives..rite?
rite la...
We are the lights that should lighten others...We should't be shadows......
Y? because we are hamba lah....Aigoo...Hamba kpd Allah SWT! Allah beri kita cahaya semasa kita lahir coz we are born in Islam..Alhamdulillah!!!!!!
Other that that, we are fast just like light..cahaya bergerak sgt,sgt,sgt pntas dgn kelajuan berapa kilomtr sejam? he3...jwb sndri lah...Kita laju semasa berlumba nak masuk ke dunia ni...malu la nak habaq...
Hmm...masa kita dgn twins kita yg berjuta tu kan,ayah kita punya ehem2 tu la...dlm banyak2 tu kan, kita yg survive...sperm ayah kita gabung dgn telor mak kita (mak kita ada telor????) maka jadilah kita.
Dlm rahim ibu, kita pantas juga...banding dgn sapa? dgn mak kita le...kita tndang je perut mak kita,mak kita skt...kita menang...
Sampai la kita lahir, kita adalah wira......
Wira bagi ibubapa kita........................
Sekarang umur brapa? Masih wira lagi? masih jagoan kok?
masih....Alhamdulillah...Thank you Allah...Thank you Allah...
Posted by rosie azali at 03:05 0 comments